Wanting more than one verse to sing, I wrote 3 verses based on the theme of
Phillipians 2:8-11
verse 1. Jesus laying down His glory coming down to earth,
verse 2. the Suffering Servant
verse 3. the Risen Lord.
The chords I've used also reflect the tone of each verse, 2 being sad in minor keys, and 3 being victorious written with a key change and lots of major chords. See the next blog for a chords breakdown.
1. Jesus
Promised Messiah
Laid down your glory
Took on a servant’s nature
Son of God
Came down from heaven
Dwelt among us
2. Lamb of God
Humble and lowly
Suffering Servant
Atoning sacrifice
Willingly gave Your life
Jesus, You bled and died
Entered the grave
3. Risen Lord
Conquering Victor
You rose victorious
Death could not hold You down
Given - the Name above all names
Lion of Judah
King of all kings
view the videoclip
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