If someone had to ask me, what's the one thing I can do to improve my effectiveness as a song leader, I'd give them this advice... "Keep things Simple!"
It's easy for creative folk to fall into the trap of getting 'bogged down with details' and going 'over the top' with creativity and the desire to be different, that we sometimes forget what it is we're actually called to do... ~ to invite people into God's presence through the use of music and the creative arts.
Sure, we should be excellent in everything we do, and be creative... but music and arts in the church is not there to impress people with our gifting or talents. Rather we use the arts and music as tools to engage the hearts of people in worship and adoration of our awesome God.
Be as good as you can be, prepare as much as you can, and mix in a good dose of creativity.
But once you've done all that, take a step back, see the bigger picture and keep things simple.
Till later ~ Worship Pastor Guy.
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