Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Welcoming words ~ Ideas (1)

Have you ever wished you could think of something different to say when you welcome folk to the Sunday service? It's easy to fall into a trap where we say the same ol' words every time.
Here's a few ideas that I've used to add a bit of colour to the welcome part of the service.

1. Morning person: "Who here is a morning person? (ask folk to raise their hand.) Who's more of a night owl? Personally, I'm more of a night owl - so it takes me a little while longer to get going in the mornings. How about we get all the 'morning people' & 'night owls' to greet one another as we start our service. [said in humour] And remember, if someones not smiling - he's probably not a morning person..."
2. Glad to see you: "I've been greeted in some weird and wonderful ways in my life. But the one that got me thinking the most, was when I heard someone say; "I'm glad to see...[slight pause] - that you're glad to see me!" (it took me a moment to work it out.) Let's show each other how glad we are to see one another as we say hello."
3. Called to be a blessing: "One of the trade marks of Christianity is the calling we have to be a blessing. God wants to bless me so I can be a blessing! It's not for me to soak in the "blessedness," but rather to be a channel of blessing. Gen 12:2 [to Abram] "I will bless you... and you will be a blessing." Well, let's be a blessing to those sitting around us by turning and greeting each other with a smile."

That's just 3 ideas. One could expand the themes above by tying it into the 'Call to Worship,' and even the 'closing verse/blessing.'

1. "Morning person" ~ into 'Opening Prayer.' Then read Ps.121:1-4 (He... will neither slumber nor sleep...) *Then say something like "God watches over us through the brightest day, and through the darkest night. He never slumbers nor sleeps. Let's sing of His... [salvation / might/ power...]
One could even add this to the end of the service as a closing verse/blessing: Ps.121:7&8 "The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life; The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
2. "Glad to see you" ~ Prayer. Ps.122:1 (I rejoiced with those who said to me "let us go to the house of the Lord.") "So it is with gladness that we come before God today, to sing songs of joy & praise to Him."
3. "Called to be a blessing" ~ Prayer. Ps.84:4 (Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising You.) "We are blessed to be able to gather for worship like this - so let's give thanks to God by singing with one voice... [song title].
Closing verse/blessing: Num. 6:24-26 (The Lord bless you and keep you...)

Hopefully this will spark some ideas of your own. If you have any good ideas to add, I'd love to hear from you. (post a comment)

Worship Pastor Guy

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