Battle Hymn (My Eyes Have Seen The Glory)
This arrangement + alternate lyrics: Joe Vermeulen
1. My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
C G Dsus-D
It is written that the Son will come, creation to restore
Until that day, His Church will pray
G B7 Em
For God to open doors
Am Dsus D - G
His Kingdom to ad-vance
1. My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
C G Dsus-D
It is written that the Son will come, creation to restore
Until that day, His Church will pray
G B7 Em
For God to open doors
Am Dsus D - G
His Kingdom to ad-vance
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
C G Dsus-D
Glory, glory, hallelu - jah!
G G – B7 - Em
Glory, glory, halle lu - jah!
Am Dsus – D - G
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
C G Dsus-D
Glory, glory, hallelu - jah!
G G – B7 - Em
Glory, glory, halle lu - jah!
Am Dsus – D - G
His truth is marching on.
2. In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea,
C G Dsus -D
With a glory in His being that transfigures you and me. [As...]
G G B7 Em
...He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free,
Am Dsus - D G
While God is mar-ching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
C G Dsus-D
Glory, glory, hallelu - jah!
G G –B7 - Em
Glory, glory, halle lu - jah!
Am Dsus – D - G
While God is marching on.
3. We can almost hear the trumpet sound
The Lord’s return is near,
D A Esus - E
There are still so many people lost His Gospel they must hear [Still...]
A A - C#7 - F#m
...the Spirit and the Church say “Marana-tha, Come!”
Bm Esus - E - A
The Lord’s return is near!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
D A Esus-E
Glory, glory, hallelu - jah!
A A – C#7 – F#m
Glory, glory, halle lu - jah!
Bm Esus – E - A
While God is marching on. [repeat chorus]
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